
Eight Drugs a Week, Episode 4 – TDM of anticancer drugs: We can work it out!

In this episode we hear about:

  • older anticancer drugs: can we do new tricks with old drugs, or have we missed the boat?
  • the importance of the drug label and reimbursement for clinical implementation
  • anticancer drugs and clinical contexts where microsampling can enhance implementation
  • financial toxicity: should we be styling ourselves as financial toxicologists!?
  • progress in the paediatric space
  • combining concentration measurement with pharmacogenetics, biomarkers and model informed precision dosing
  • buy-in: the importance of clinical champions and education initiatives


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About our guests:

Dirk Jan Moes is a Laboratory Hospital Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacologist, Assistant Professor of Applied Clinical Pharmacometrics at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Toxicology at the Leiden University Medical Centre in The Netherlands.

Vikram Gota is an MD, Professor & Officer-in-charge of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the Advanced Centre for Treatment Research & Education in Cancer at the Tate Memorial Centre in Mumbai, India.


The content of the IATDMCT Blog does not necessarily have the endorsement of the Association.

Eight Drugs a Week