Terms of Reference

Scientific Committees Terms of Reference


1. Committee Chair and Vice-Chair: Appointment and Terms

  • All scientific committees will be chaired by a Chair.
  • Members of the committee will select both the Chair and a Vice-Chair, for approval by the Executive. While it is preferable that the Chair and Vice-Chair reside in different countries, the main criterion for selection will be to provide the best leadership.
  • Initially, the appointments will be for a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Subsequently, the appointments will be for Vice-Chair, since the Vice-Chair will move to become the Chair.
  • Recommendations for both positions will be given to the President who will present the slate at the first Council meeting immediately following the Congress.
  • The term of office will be 2 years with the option to renew for a second term. This will apply to both the Chair and the Vice-Chair. A total of 4 years is considered sufficient to reach optimal productivity in their mission.
  • The IATDMCT Executive is responsible for removing a Chair, disbanding a committee, or creating a committee.

2. Committee Members

  • Membership is open to all IATDMCT registered members.
  • Committee members will support the Chair’s request for participation in activities. Committee members will be active in production of the annual report to the Executive Council, the annual report for the Compass, and participation in the biannual congress.

3. Terms of Reference

  • Committee must undertake at least one group activity between Congresses involving a number of committee members – examples: workshop in other meetings, publication, consensus conference, recommendations, proficiency testing, surveys, case reports, multi-center trials, sharing of quality controls, liaisons with other scientific/medical organizations. The Chair and Vice-Chair should keep regular contact with all committee members and encourage their active involvement.
  • Committee must involve a maximum number of participants and encourage new /young participants.
  • Committee must submit proposals for workshops and symposia for the IATDMCT Congress. However there is no guarantee that these submissions will be accepted by the Congress Scientific Committee.
  • Congress organizers will send a list of non-member Congress registrants to the IATDMCT Secretary following each Congress who will contact potential new members and encourage them to join IATDMCT and in turn, a committee.
  • IATDMCT Executive will ensure that one Councilor is assigned as liaison to at least one scientific committee. IATDMCT Executive Director will contact each Councilor and ask them what scientific committee they currently sit on to ensure each committee has a liaison.
  • Reports:
    • The Chair with the help of the Vice-Chair and committee members must produce an annual report to the Executive Council to be presented at the Annual General Meeting (dates vary, but usually mid-July to November), including membership list, scientific activities and objectives for the next year.
    • The Chair with the help of the Vice-Chair and committee members must submit articles to the Editor of Compass according to the schedule provided. These articles are to be of an educational nature on topics related to the purpose and activities of the Committee and are not to be reproductions in whole or in part of previously submitted annual reports.
    • Committee must have a page on the association website and maintain it with updated information
      i.e. Background/Purpose of the Committee, Committee Membership list, Minutes of the last committee meeting, a list of initiatives for the next year; (i.e. hot topics flashing on home page, upcoming activities)