

Anders Åsberg
Oslo, Norway


Iris Minichmayr
Vienna, Austria

Committee Purpose

  • To advance the field of “model-informed precision dosing” and its application in the clinical setting across different therapeutic areas.
  • To improve the design of clinical trials based on PM models using optimising study designs.
  • To develop and share educational tools about clinical pharmacometrics.
  • To have transversal activities with other committees of the IATDMCT.
  • To actively participate in joint meetings with other societies.

Pharmacometrics (PM) has become progressively a key science in the drug development process and increasingly gaining importance in clinical study design and patient care, e.g. to inform dosing decisions within the framework of thereapeutic drug monitoring. It involves the development of (PB)PK or PK/PD or PK/PD/PG models that provide knowledge about the behaviour of a drug and how it can be optimally used. We believe pharmacometrics can help to describe or predict drug concentrations, their relationship with drug effects and clinical impacts. The application of PM models, e.g. using software tools, can also be very helpful to render personalized dose adjustments based on a patient’s individual parameters available in the clinical setting.


The committee will organize the pre-congress symposium in the IATDMCT 2021 congress in Rome. This meeting is targeted on people not involved in PK/PD modelling at this moment.

To achieve more efficient use of PK/PD data we will collaborate with other committees, and organize joint symposia for upcoming conferences.

Roundtable in Rome: the use of machine learning approaches in clinical pharmacology.


Educational tools we are working on:

  • Article on graduation of PK/PD studies for systematic reviews
  • Updating articles about pharmacometric teaching


Compass submissions:

  • Application of machine learning to estimate the immunosuppressant exposure: toward a new way to perform therapeutic drug monitoring (issue March 2021).


Compass submissions:

  • Workshop of Michael Neely in Argentina (issue March 2020).
  • The use of pharmacometrics in COVID-19 patients (issue September 2020).


Compass submissions:

  • Dosing algorithms of tacrolimus in children (issue September 2019).