Congress Presentations

14th Annual Congress – Rotterdam 2015

October 11-15, 2015 │ Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Rotterdam 2015 Congress, All Time High Below Sea Level
Plenary and Symposium Sessions


yyyy-mm-dd Type Link Title and Presenters

2015-10-14 2015 Congress
YouTube icon full color A Survey on Laboratory Practice Around the World
Uwe Cristians, Alexander Vinks, Loralie Langman, William Clarke, Pierre Marquet, Pierre Wallemacq, Teun van Gelder, Verun Renjen and Eric Meyer

2015-10-14 2015 Congress
YouTube icon full color Problems in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the Need for Individualization
Roger JM Brüggemann

2015-10-13 2015 Congress
YouTube icon full color PET-maging in Drug Development
Adriaan A. Lammertsma

2015-10-12 2015 Congress
YouTube icon full color When and How to Treat Paracetamol Overdoses
Nick Bateman