Christoph Stove



  • 1999-2004: PhD in Medical Sciences (performed @ Faculty of Medical Sciences at Ghent University)
  • 2004-2007: Postdoc @ Faculty of Sciences (VIB – Ghent University)
  • 2007-Jan 2013: Postdoc @ Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Lab of Toxicology, Ghent University)
  • Feb 2013-Jan 2018: Assistant-Professor (“Docent tenure-track”) (Lab of Toxicology, Ghent University)
  • Feb 2018-now: Associate Professor (“Hoofddocent”) (Lab of Toxicology, Ghent University)
  • 1999: Pharmacist (Ghent University)
  • 2004: PhD in Medical Sciences (performed @ Faculty of Medical Sciences at Ghent University)
  • Recognized by the Department of Justice as expert for determination of alcohol in cases of drunk driving (since Sept 4, 2014) and for expert advice in cases involving toxicological expertise
  • Director of the ISO 17025/1595 accredited Reference Laboratory Ref4U, implementing reference measurement procedures for e.g. thyroid hormones and vitamin D

Teaching activities
Responsible for the following courses:

  • General Toxicology (3rd Bachelor)
  • Bioanalysis (Master)
  • Chemical Criminalistics (Master)
  • Drug Toxicity (Master)
  • Supplements in Toxicology: advanced studies (MaNaMa Clinical Biology)
  • Co-responsible for Bioanalytical Practical Course

Research activities (overview & selection):

  • Publications (also see links: Google Scholar; Pubmed; General Overview (based on Web of Science ranking 2019):
  • >160 peer-reviewed scientific publications
    • >30% of all publications is in top 10% journals;
    • >60% of all publications is in Q1 journals;
    • >95% of all publications is in Q1 & Q2 journals;
    • On ~2/3 of all publications, C. Stove is first author or lead/corresponding author.
  • H-index of 32 (Web of Science) – 39 (Google Scholar)
  • Citations: >3000 (Web of Science) – >4500 (Google Scholar)
  • Acquisition of competitive research funding: ~1.75M€ projects + ~50 person-years (PhD students & postdoc)
  • Promotor of 15 defended PhDs and 8 ongoing PhDs
  • 3 main research lines can be distinguished:
    • Alternative sampling strategies (e.g. dried blood microsampling, hair analysis)
    • Development of bio-assays for monitoring of activation of G-protein coupled receptors
    • Analysis of vitamers (amongst which folates and thiamins), their precursors and degradation products, in plant material and biological material (blood)
  • Editorial Board Member of Clinical Biochemistry (Associate Editor), Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  • Guest Editor for Special Issues of the peer-reviewed journals Bioanalysis, Forensic Science International, Frontiers in Chemistry, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  • Peer review: from 2016 to now: over 380 peer reviews, for over 60 scientific journals. Journals for which ≥20 reviews were performed during the past 5 years: Analytical Chemistry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Bioanalysis, Clinical Biochemistry, Forensic Science International, Journal of Chromatography B, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  • Involved in the organization of international scientific congresses (TIAFT, IATDMCT, EBF, CPSA, MSACL), as part of the scientific committee; main organizer of the annual TIAFT conference in Ghent, in 2018 (~700 attendants)
  • >200 oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences (many on invitation)

Member of scientific societies:

  • Toxicological Society of Belgium and Luxemburg (BLT) (Board Member)
  • Belgian Environmental Mutagen Society (BEMS) (Board Member)
  • The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) (Board Member)
  • International Association for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT) (Council Member – 2 terms); Former chair & vice-chair of the Alternative Sampling Strategies Committee
  • Belgisch Genootschap voor Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde (BGGG) (Board Member)
  • Part of national (BOF & FWO (Med1)) and international (UK, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic) project assessment committees
  • External assessor of applications for academic positions (several universities in the UK)
  • Member of >60 PhD Evaluation committees (UGent (primarily Fac. Pharmaceutical Sciences, but also Fac. Sciences & Fac. Medicine & Health Sciences), KULeuven, UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Denmark)
  • Granted patent: Dried blood sample analysis: granted patents: EP3359950A1 (EU) and US10222324 (US) (hyperlink). This has also led to commercialization (by CAMAG, Basel, Switzerland)

Service Activities (external):

  • Head of the Laboratory of Forensic Toxicology, follow-up of routine casework in judicial cases since Jan 1st 2008; end responsible (lab director) since Sept 15, 2014. Provided many hundreds of reports to the Department of Justice since then.
  • Core member of the Forensic Institute of Ghent University (FI-UGent).
  • Toxicological consultancy; ad hoc toxicological expertise (e.g. Superior Health Council, Fonds Medische Ongevallen, FAGG – Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products for Human Use).
  • Provision of toxicological expertise in the train disaster at Wetteren (05/2013 – on-site expertise, scientific publications, part of the Superior Health Council, report to fed. Min. of public health, …).
  • Recognized by the Department of Justice as expert for determination of alcohol in cases of drunk driving (since Sept 4, 2014) and for expert advice in cases involving toxicological expertise.
  • Director of the ISO 17025/1595 accredited Reference Laboratory Ref4U, implementing reference measurement procedures for e.g. thyroid hormones and vitamin D.