Haufroid V, Picard N. Pharmacogenetics Biomarkers Predictive of Drug Pharmacodynamics as an Additional Tool to Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Ther Drug Monit. 2019 Apr;41(2):121-130. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000591. PMID: 30883506.
Brunet M, van Gelder T, Åsberg A, Haufroid V, Hesselink DA, Langman L, Lemaitre F, Marquet P, Seger C, Shipkova M, Vinks A, Wallemacq P, Wieland E, Woillard JB, Barten MJ, Budde K, Colom H, Dieterlen MT, Elens L, Johnson-Davis KL, Kunicki PK, MacPhee I, Masuda S, Mathew BS, Millán O, Mizuno T, Moes DAR, Monchaud C, Noceti O, Pawinski T, Picard N, van Schaik R, Sommerer C, Vethe NT, de Winter B, Christians U, Bergan S. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Tacrolimus-Personalized Therapy: Second Consensus Report. Ther Drug Monit. 2019 Jun;41(3):261-307. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000640. PMID: 31045868.
Compass submissions:
- Haufroid V and Picard N on behalf of the Pharmacogenetics Committee. Genotyping versus Phenotyping: The case of fluoropyrimidines. IATDMCT Compass June 2019: 9-10.
Compass submissions:
- Picard N and Haufroid V on behalf of the Pharmacogenetics Committee. Physician and pharmacist awareness and education about pharmacogenetics: The next challenge for clinical implementation? IATDMCT Compass December 2018: 9-10.