Mentor-Mentee Program

In recognition of the invaluable role mentorship plays in nurturing the next generation of scientists, we have established an official Mentor-Mentee Program within IATDMCT. This program aims to foster meaningful connections between senior scientist and early-career researchers, providing guidance, support, and opportunities for professional and personal development.


  • Facilitate Knowledge Transfer: Enable the transfer of knowledge, skills, and experiences from senior scientist to early-career researchers.
  • Career Development: Support mentees in navigating career pathways, setting goals, and making informed decisions about their professional development.
  • Networking: Foster a network of collaboration and support within the scientific community, connecting mentors and mentees with similar interests and aspirations.
  • Personal Growth: Provide mentees with guidance on personal development, work-life balance, and coping with challenges in their scientific journey.

Program Structure:
Matching Process: Mentors and mentees will be matched based on their research interests, career goals, and preferences by dedicated councillors (2 council members will be tasked with tis activity) of IATDMCT. Information will be collected via an online survey. This process will ensure compatibility and maximize the benefits of the mentor-mentee relationship. After one or two meetings Mentor and Mentee will decide if the match is right for them.
Mentees can indicate whether they prefer a male of female Mentor, language, career stage (>10yrs or >20 yrs experience). It is also important if the mentee seeks mentorship on a particular topic or career in general and how frequent a Mentee would like to meet with the Mentor. Although time zones can be challenging with current communication means the Mentor and Mentee should be able to find a suitable time for their meetings.
Mentor can indicate how often they are available and whether they are willing to mentor on content as well as career development.

Regular Meetings: Mentors and mentees will meet regularly (frequency to be decided by Mentor and Mentee), either in person or virtually, to discuss goals, progress, challenges, and opportunities. These meetings can take various forms, Mentor can meet with Mentee one-on-one, or Mentor can invite the Mentee to a research group meeting, or other event. Mentor can advise Mentee on workshops, seminars, and resources on career development, scientific writing, and other relevant topics which are likely offered by the Mentees’ institute.

Optional visits: Mentees can consider visiting their Mentor if the Mentor is happy to host the Mentee at their institute. For example, a PhD candidate can visit a Mentor to learn a skill (e.g. PK modelling, assay development). Such visit would likely require further discussion between the two institutes. IATDMCT will leave these discussions up to the sending and receiving institute. For Mentees from developing countries can apply for a travel grant in case the visit exceeds 3 months.

Evaluation and Feedback: IATDMCT will organize surveys and separate sessions for Mentors and Mentees to exchange ideas on what works and what doesn’t work in the program to make the program a better experience for both Mentors and Mentees.

Professional Growth: Mentees will gain valuable insights, advice, and support to advance their careers and achieve their goals.

Networking Opportunities: Mentees will have the opportunity to expand their professional network and establish connections with leaders and experts in their field.

Personal Support: Mentees will receive guidance and encouragement to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Contribution to the Scientific Community: By fostering mentorship relationships, the program will contribute to the growth and sustainability of IATDMCT’s scientific community, ensuring the transfer of knowledge and expertise across generations.

The Mentor-Mentee Program represents a valuable investment in the future of our scientific society. By connecting experienced professionals with emerging researchers, we can cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers individuals to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to science. We look forward to the implementation of this program and the positive impact it will have on our community.