
Eight Drugs a Week, Episode 3 – TDM of Biologics

Our guests today are Annick de Vries and Murray Barclay, and both have made important contributions in the space. Once again, our guests coincided on their favourite Beatle – one that we haven’t heard mentioned in previous episodes!


In this episode we hear about:

  • the differences between small molecule drugs and biologics, and the implications this has for TDM of the latter
  • how disease severity may influence pharmacodynamics, and ultimately how we might ultimately select treatment targets despite challenges in obtaining measurements of disease activity
  • anti-drug antibodies and the role of TDM there
  • disease dependent clearance and whether concentrations of biologics might possibly be a marker of disease activity


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About our guests:

Annick de Vries is director of Diagnostic Services at Sanquin in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Sanquin is a not-for-profit that provides blood products nationwide, but also develop specialized pharmaceutical products and provide diagnostic services. She is the current chair of the IATDMCT Biologics Committee.

Murray Barclay is a clinical pharmacologist and a gastroenterologist at Christchurch Hospital in New Zealand, and a Clinical Professor at the University of Otago. Murray was the previous chair of the Biologics Committee.


The content of the IATDMCT Blog does not necessarily have the endorsement of the Association.

Eight Drugs a Week