Staffan Rosenborg

Staffan Rosenborg graduated as an MD from Karolinska Institutet in 1996. He became a specialist in Nephrology in 2003 and in Clinical Pharmacology in 2007. Dr Rosenborg defended his PhD thesis “CYP2C dependent drug metabolism in vivo – influence of genetics and drug interactions” in 2010. Prof Teun van Gelder was the external examiner.
Dr Rosenborg was Head of Residents and Director of post-graduate training in Clinical Pharmacology at the Karolinska University Hospital between 2010 and 2013. From 2013 he has been the Head of the Clinical Pharmacology Trial Unit (CPTU) at the same hospital. The CPTU is a phase-I trial unit certified for first-in-human trials. Dr Rosenborg was awarded the Swedish Diploma in Clinical Trials in June 2016.

He is the secretary of the Swedish Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy and is also one of two Swedish representatives in the Section for Pharmacology of the Union Européenne des Médecines Spécialistes (UEMS). He has more than 500 lecturing hours, has organized courses in clinical pharmacokinetics and has participated in courses on leadership in postgraduate education.

Dr Rosenborg has some 20 peer reviewed publications in international journals and some 15 papers in Swedish journals. His areas of expertise include: different aspects of nephropharmacology (including drug dosing in dialysis), immunosuppressive drugs, pharmacokinetics,  therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical trial design and conduct.