Olof Beck

Olof Beck studied chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and received his Ph.D. degree in 1982 after working at the Karolinska Institute with studies on biogenic amines using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry methods. After a post-doctoral period at Stanford University and two years in pharmaceutical industry he returned to Karolinska Institute and department of Clinical Pharmacology in 1988. Dr. Beck is at present adjunct professor and laboratory director of the Pharmacology Laboratory comprising TDM, genotyping, clinical and workplace drugs-of-abuse testing, sports doping control and contract analyses in clinical trials. He has been active assessor in laboratory accreditation in the Nordic countries.

Research activities have resulted in about 200 publications. Areas of interest are method developments in pharmacology and toxicology with special focus on mass spectrometry, alcohol biomarkers and toxicology. Most recent work is focused on Internet drugs, breath testing for abused drugs and alcohol biomarker phosphatidylethanol.