Activities in IATDMCT:
- Current Treasurer; Co-chair of the 2013 annual meeting (SLC, UT);
- Contributing member of the Clinical Toxicology/Drugs of Abuse Committee;
- Invited speaker (DUPHAT 2014, IATDMCT 2015)
Activities in AACC (American Association for Clinical Chemistry):
- Current vice-chair of the 2016 annual meeting (Philadelphia, PA);
- Current officer in the Personalized Medicine Division;
- Former chair of the TDM/Toxicology Division (2009-2014);
- Symposium coordinator for annual meeting (2010);
- Chair nominating committee (2009-2010);
- Invited speaker at several annual and regional meetings
Activities in CAP (College of American Pathologists):
- Current member of the Toxicology Resource Committee and Pharmacology Working Group;
- Invited speaker at several annual meetings
Activities in ABCC (American Board of Clinical Chemistry):
- Board member, chair of Toxicology exam committee (2007-2012)
Editorial Board Member: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring; Journal of Analytical Toxicology
Active publication record:
I have authored/published in excess of 70 original manuscripts; 10 review articles; 25 book chapters; and 150 abstracts
My experience as IATDMCT Treasurer since 2013 has prepared me to serve on the Council. I am organized and successful in completing projects in a timely manner, and I am both excited and privileged to have opportunity to continue serving the organization by managing the finances for another term.